Allardyce reckons we have a match winner

You have seen on television, in films and in wedlock those marriages of convenience.

No we have our own and it is the Jason Roberts/Sam Allardyce relationship. Neither are each others best friend but they will both back each other if it is mutually beneficial.

J-Rob bagged another winner last night in the match against Newcastle and Big Sam is just pleased that Jason is firing.

Allardyce spoke to Sky Sports and said – ‘Our match-winner at the moment is Jason Roberts.

‘He was nearly our match-winner against Chelsea, he was our match-winner against Wigan and he made the goal for himself again, and he won us the game.’

But there was also reason to be cheerful in the grander scheme of tricks as Rovers played as a team and won as a team using a new system.

‘It was a fantastic victory for us, a really pleasing one for us all and one I think in the end, we deserved.

‘We changed the system to cope with the attack of Newcastle United.

‘The very potent front two and the delivery from the wide men has been an outstanding force for them in the last three games, and we felt we had to stop that.’

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