VB Competition Winner

If you can remember as far back as last week we ran a competition to win a copy of Mick Rathbone’s excellent book – ‘The Smell of Football’.

After VBer Glen Mullan met personally with the man himself we thought it only fair to spread the joy and allow a lucky competition winner the chance to bag a copy of this excellent read (available in all good book shops now) for free.

So we set a question for VBers to answer to test their Mick ‘Baz’ Rathbone knowledge and the winner was picked at random by yours truly without the help of those camelot machines.

The question was – ‘Mick Rathbone managed only one club in his footballing career… who was it?’

The answer was – ‘Halifax Town’.

And the winner is… Persephone!

Well done to Persephone, your copy is in the post. Enjoy!

Thank you to everybody who took part, we had a phenomenal response!

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