Vital Blackburn Trivia!!!!

With Bombom winning the last edition, he is ruled out of this Trivia, and so are the rest of the Site Editors for obvious reasons…Step up VBERS!!!!

Some of us have been here a while, some of us have been here weeks. But together, we are all VBERS. This question might be a little tricky for some, but it is about a person who had assisted Walker make this site what it is today!!!!

Prior to Sasman writing the Match Report, and Mikey writing Cup Reports, which Vital Blackburner wrote up the most fantastic, in depth match reports for our beloved website. This week marks 1 year to the date when our man had to step down, but he still does pop in and make an appearance.

Good Luck!!!!

Once again, Site Editors and the chap who the answer refers to are ineligible!!!

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