Your Call Vital Blackburn Members…

New ways of improving this site are always being looked at; another is being looked at now which could potential ignite this site! But for this your help is needed!

Where possible all the major breaking news surrounding Ewood Park is brought to you. Sometimes “recycling” news (as it can be viewed, which it is but we NEVER copy anything, we word it our own way and try and put a different spin on it) may be frustrating but where else can you get to talk about an article, written to a high standard within the same page like you do here on Vital Blackburn? We don’t just cover the breaking news we also add opinionated pieces written by James Watson, myself and you the Vital Blackburn fans when you submit your ideas KEEP THESE COMING!

Right, back to the main point! A new idea is being developed and people are getting behind it (you know who you are) but this is something I want as many of us as possible to be involved in so this is your chance, have your say and let’s make this work.

Once a week on a set day, between certain hours I would like us to meet up on this site and have an online chat in the forum, debating certain points from that week or from our history etc. (maybe five different topics so you can float from thread to thread), these can and will again be decided by you.

The proposed name for this new forum is “Walkerbout” a play on words of the legendary Jack Walker and the Walkabout pubs, football and pubs go hand in hand so incorporating the two along with Uncle Jack seems appropriate. The proposed day is currently Sunday Evening from the hour of 6 O’clock onwards, maybe an hour or two hour long session, although a lock in could be possible for those stragglers who just won’t go home when time is called…

Make your voice heard; what do you
A) Think of the idea?
B) Think of the proposed name? (Walkerbout)
C) Think of the proposed day (Sunday)
D) Think of the proposed time (18:00-19:00/20:00)

I do hope that many of you do just that and will try to get involved; maybe not every week but as and when you can.

If times aren’t good for you have your say, these are just proposed ideas not concrete, Sunday seems appropriate as the previous game will be VERY fresh in the mind and any midweek ones approaching also a good topic point…

I do hope you will leave your thoughts, comments and suggestions below…

Don’t forget the forum, you can talk about whatever you want there and YOU decide what it is! Forum Link

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